Sunday, May 14, 2017

Been Through A lot But We're Still Here

It's been a little over a year since our last post but we are back! We had a bit of a snag but with all your support, thoughts and prayers we made it through. We want to thank everyone for everything. So many people came to visit me in the hospital and to comfort Jon, it was a really tough time. Once we came home from the hospital we were showered with food, flowers, cards and messages. It meant so much to us to have all that love from everyone, we felt really blessed. 

I am also thankful for Dr. Deshmukh (squared), I for sure would not be here today if it hadn't been for them. I'm still recovering and will have this blind spot forever, but if that's the worst of it I am happy with that. Going from not being able to move most of the right side of my body, barely being able to walk or stand, losing my memory, not being able to read and mostly being asleep all of the time to how I am today is a miracle. About a month ago I could barely remember what it was like to be my old self before all this happened. Having to wear a helmet and having to be careful with my brain because my skull cap was missing seemed normal, like I've always been like that. 

Here I am now, feeling more like myself and starting slowly to get back to the things I love. I'm not quite ready to get back to running yet but I did start some gardening. Although Jon did most of it the last few weeks, I was finally able to help with the work this past week. 

So thank you everyone! I hope you enjoy these pictures of our plants and flowers. 

The front porch before the Patio veggies

After adding the bell pepper, jalapeño and artichoke

Driveway garden

My unpansy pansy garden

Susie's garden

The back yard

Window baskets

Front/street garden 

Veggie garden

Herb garden

1 comment:

  1. So happy you're alive n kickin'!!!!

    Here's to your health and happy life. Gardening feels so lively and peaceful.
